
Бесы часто возбраняют нам делать легчайшее и полезное, а между тем побуждают предпринять труднейшее. (св Иоанн Лествичник)
Статья о клинковом оружии

Германцы, перенявшие от римлян короткий меч - “гладиус”, первоначально пользовались большими боевыми ножами - “саксами”, клинки которых вначале были изогнутыми, но позже делались прямыми. Конечно, такое оружие не могло быть достаточно эффективным на войне, поэтому, как только появилась возможность ковать клинки большего размера, эти ножи стали удлиняться, пока из них не развился “лангсакс” - уже достаточно длинное и тяжелое оружие с прямым, заточенным с одной стороны, рубящим клинком шириной от 3,5 до 4 см и длиной от 40 до 60 см. Он уже вполне годился для использования в бою, но для всадника, которому очень часто приходилось наносить улары с коня, лангсакс оказался не слишком удобен. В результате возник тяжелый тесак - “скрамасакс”, клинок которого при ширине до 6,5 см достигал от 41 до 76 см в длину, а ширина его обуха составляла 6-8 мм. А отдельные экземпляры скрамасаксов были по тем временам просто громадными, как, например, обнаруженные во Фронстеттских могильниках. Их общая длина превышала 120 см, из которых более 30 приходилось на рукоять (“Внешний быт народов”). Такие параметры придавали этому оружию большую поражающую способность, к тому же германцы часто наносили удары скрамасаксом, обхватив его рукоять обеими руками. Однолезвийное рубящее оружие с прямым клинком - изобретение германцев. Стальной же обоюдоострый меч (spatha) был позаимствован ими, как, впрочем, и римлянами, у галлов. В эпоху Меровингов спата у германцев удлинилась, стала тяжелее и развилась в характерную форму с коротким перекрестием и конусообразным навершием.

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Бесы часто возбраняют нам делать легчайшее и полезное, а между тем побуждают предпринять труднейшее. (св Иоанн Лествичник)
во! нашел великую вещь!

ОРИГИНАЛЬНЫЙ текст послания запорожцев турецкому султану!

Выписка из истории Д. ЭВАРИЦКОГО стр. 69,

хранящейся в Государственной Публичной Библиотеке, в С-Пб

В ней помещен подлинный текст послания Турецкого Султана Мухаммеда

IV-го, царствовавшего в конце 17-го столетия, запорожцам и атаману

Сирко, а также ответ запорожцев, послуживший мотивом к особенным


(осторожно внутри ненормативная лексика)

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Бесы часто возбраняют нам делать легчайшее и полезное, а между тем побуждают предпринять труднейшее. (св Иоанн Лествичник)
Сперва преамбула - клялся зарекался - никогда никогда больше не помогать покупать компьютер - потому что в итоге эти люди которым я по знакомству за бесплатно помог считают вправе доставать меня в любое время дня и ночи - типа там игрулька не идет. Или файл нечаянно стерли или еще что нибудь столь же важное. Но вот пару месяцев назад все же помог. И началось......

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Бесы часто возбраняют нам делать легчайшее и полезное, а между тем побуждают предпринять труднейшее. (св Иоанн Лествичник)
Дневник орка часть 1

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Бесы часто возбраняют нам делать легчайшее и полезное, а между тем побуждают предпринять труднейшее. (св Иоанн Лествичник)
компьютерные игры - это ЗЛО


мало того что они жрут немеряное количество времени

вледствие чего ни на что другое времени не остается

но главное - ведут к необратимым изменениям в психике...особенно в такой как моя.

сейв\лоад становится неотьемлемой частью мировоззрения

вырабатывается условный рефлекс - при столкновении с любой проблемой - нефиг опасаться потом перезагрузимся...заранее обдумывать что либо отвыкаешь выгоднее другой подход - попробовать от балды что в голову взбредет - если получиться на халяву угадать то хорошо - а вот если нет тогда начнем думать...

и потом уже это входит в привычку - сначала переигрывается только совсем уж фатальный результат типа смерти а потом уже тянет переигрывать даже сравнительно сносный нормальный результат для того чтобы получить не просто нормальный а лучший из возможных...

и что самое ужасное - опыт учебы в вузе не только не опроверг это все но скорее подтвердил...попробовать сдать экзамен на халяву ничего не выучив - на чистой наглости и общей эрудиции...и ведь получалось очень часто..

а если не получалось то - вот тогда начнем думать..

Тоже и с людьми...

все млин...лечиться надо...

EDIT- прочел что написал - чуть не свалился с табуретки от хохота

пошел дальше играть в МА...


Бесы часто возбраняют нам делать легчайшее и полезное, а между тем побуждают предпринять труднейшее. (св Иоанн Лествичник)

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Бесы часто возбраняют нам делать легчайшее и полезное, а между тем побуждают предпринять труднейшее. (св Иоанн Лествичник)

просматривал лог старой аськи с Белиалом

он там помнится спрашивал - почему все в жизни не по уму получается и как научиться думать перед тем как делать...

и я ему так аргументированно излагал - что вообще то мы все те еще разгильдяи НО лучший способ думать перед тем как делать - это сильно бояться последствий..

тогда появляется осторожность и предусмотрительность

ух..какой я был умный...мне бы собственными советами пользоваться начать...


Бесы часто возбраняют нам делать легчайшее и полезное, а между тем побуждают предпринять труднейшее. (св Иоанн Лествичник)


Бесы часто возбраняют нам делать легчайшее и полезное, а между тем побуждают предпринять труднейшее. (св Иоанн Лествичник)
1)Slann2nd vs Dark Elves (Petr) 2000 - massacre
2)Oldblood (coldone) vs Bretonnia (Pavel) 2000 - lost
3)Oldblood (carnosaur) vs Chaos of Tzeench (Oleg)2000 - draw
4)Oldblood (carnosaur) vs DarkElves 2000 (Petr) lost
5)Oldblood (carnosaur) vs ChaosUndi 2000 (Lordik) lost
6)Slann2nd vs Empire (Dvor) 2500- draw
7)Slann2nd vs DarkElves (Petr) 2500 - massacre
8)Slann2nd vs Khemri (Fabius) 2000 - massacre
9)Slann2nd vs Chaos of Slaanesh(Enzo) 2000 lost
10)Slann2nd vs cavalry Empire (Dvor)2000 massacre
11)Slann4th vs Vampire (Sani) 2000lost
12)Slann 2nd vs Vampire (Sani)2000 draw
13)Slann 2nd vs Khemri (Fabius) 2500 massacre
14)Slann2n vs EMpiregunline (Fabius) 2500 draw
15)Slann 2nd vs Tzeench 2000 massacre
16)Oldblood(carn) vs Tzeench 2000 massacre
17)Oldblood(carn) vs Woodelves 2000 lost
18)Slann&Oldblood vs Empire() 3000 massacre
19)Slann vs Nightgoblins(Supic 2000 draw
20)Slann vs Necrarchs (Sani) 2000 massacre
21)Oldblood (carn) vs Tzeench 2500 massacre
22)Slann vs Nightgoblins 2000(Supic) draw
23)Slann 4th gen vs Chaos (Supic) lost
24)Slann 2th gen vs Orks (Kaktus) solid won
25)Oldblood (carn) vs Orks (Kaktus) Massacre
26)Slann 2nd vs CultofSlaanesh (Vlad)MAssacre
27)Slann 2n vs ChaosofTseench (Lordik) (lost)
28)Oldblood(carn) vs HighElves (Gonza) 2000 solid won
29)OldBlood(carn) vs ChaosofTzeench (Lordik) (lost)
30)oldblood (carn) vs Dwarfs - minor win
31)Slann (2nd) vs Skavens (Preacher) - draw
32)Slann (4nd) vs Skavens (Preacher) massacre
33)Oldblood(carn) vs SKavens (Preacher) SW
34)Oldblood (Jaguar) vs ChaosUndi (Lordik) won
35)Slann4SL vs Chaos (Lordik) lost
36)Slann(4SL) vs CoS (madvlad) massacre
37)Slann (4SL) vs Sylvania (revenant) lost
38)Slann (4SL) vs Necrarchs (Sani) draw
39)Slann (SL) vs Skavens (preacher) lost
40)Slann (SL) vs skavens horde (yagmoth) MV
41)Slann (2nd) vs dwarves (supic) SV
42)Oldblood vs dwarves (supic) massacre
43)Slann 2nd vs dwarves (supic) lost
44)Oldblood (carn) vs dwarves (supic) lost
45)3000 Lord Kroak & Oldblood vs CoS(Morati&Annoited) massacre
46)Oldblood(carn) vs Skaven (preacher) lost
47)Oldblood (carn) vs Dogs of war (Dvor) lost
48)Oldblood (carn) vs Chaos of slaanesh(enz) lost
49)Oldblood (Carn) vs Chaos beasts (KAdir) won
50)3000 Lord Kroak vs Chaos (Lordik) - won
51)4000 Lord Kroak vs Chaos (Lordik) - draw
52)Slann (2nd) vs Skaven (Preacher) lost
53)Oldblood(Crn) vs dwrfs(Supic) - msscre
54)Oldblood (Crn) vs brets (fbius) msscre
55)5000 Kroak vs horde of Chaos (Lordik) - won
56)2250 Oldblood (carn) vs Dwarfs(Supic) draw
57)2250 Oldblood vs Skaven (Preacher) lost
58)3000 Slann@oldblood vs Chaos Horde (Lordik) won
59)3000 Slann &Oldblood vs Chaos Horde (Lordik) - lost
60)2000 Slann (2nd) vs Empire (Oleg) won
61)2000Slann 4(SL) vs Empire (Oleg) won
62)2000 SLann 2n vs Empire (Shamloff) won
63)2000 Slann 2nd vs Dwarvs (Max) lost
64)2000 Slann 2nd vs VC (Necros) massacre
65)2000 Oldblood (carn) vs Empire (Shamloff) massacre
66)2000 Oldblood (carn) vs Chaos (Тзинч) draw
67)2000 Oldblood (carn) vs Empire (Shamloff)massacre
68)2000 Slann 2nd vs WE (Vic) lost
69)2000 Oldblood (carn) vs Empire (sham) draw
70)2250 Slann 4nd vs Empire (dvor) draw
71)2000 oldblood (jaguar) vs Khemri({Petr) massacre
72)2000 Oldblood (jaguar) vs Chaos (Lordik) lost
73)2000 oldblood vs Chaos (Tzeench) draw
74)2000 Slann 4nd vs Chaos (Tzeench-undi) won
75)2250 Slann 4nd vs HE (Vovan) massacre
76)2250 Slann 4nd vs VC (Necros) massacre
77)4000 Slann 2nd vs Orks Horde (Slavka) massacre
78)2000 Slann 4nd vs Bretonnia (Fabii) massacre
79)2500 Slann 4nd vs Dark Elves (Sergei) massacre
80)2000 Oldblood (carn) vs Empire (Murom) massacre
81)2000 Slann 4nd vs Empire (assasin) massacre
82)2000 Oldblood (carn) vs Orks (Slavka) massacre
83)3000 Slann+Carn vs HE (Vovan) massacre
84)3000 Slann + carn vs HE (Vovan)massacre
85)2000 Slann 2nd vs DE (Sergei) massacre
86)2000 Slann 2nd vs Sani (necrarch) solid
87)2000 Slann 2nd vs Dwarfs (Gaps) massacre
88)2000 Slann 2nd vs Chaos (lordik) massacre
89)2000 Slann 2nd vs Empire (Dvor) solid
90)2000 Slann 2nd vs Khemri (Oleg) draw
91)2000 Slann 2nd vs Dwarfs (gaps) massacre
92)3000 Slann 2nd and Carn vs Empire (Dvor) massacre
93)3000 Slann 2nd and Carn vs Empire (Dvor) massacre
94)2000 Slann 2nd vs Empire Shamiloff massacre
95)2000 Slann 2nd vs EMpire Bernar massacre
96)2000 oldblood carn vs Khemri Fabius Massacre
97)2000 Slann 4nd vs Empire Bernar lost
98)2500 Kroak vs dark elves Silverblade (lordik) won
99)2500 Kroak vs dark elves Malus Victor draw
100)2500 Kroak vs dark elvse Sergei lost

101)2250 Oldblood (cold) vs bretonnia (raider) draw
102) 2250 Oldblood (cold) vs DE (Victor) won
103)2250 Oldblood (cold) vs Skaven (elektrik) won
104) 2500 Slann 2nd vs Dwarfs (Angel) won
105) 2500 Slann 2nd vs DE (victor) won
107) 2500 Slann 2nd vs Chaos (jastis) won
108)2500 Slann 2nd vs Dwarfs (Max) lost
109)2500SLann 2nd vs Bretonia (Fabie) won
110)2500 Slann 2nd vs DE (sergey) won
111)Slann 2n vs DE (Victor) won
112)Slann 2nd vs Empire (Shamiloff) won
113)Slann 4th vs DE (Vic) won
115)Slann 4th vs Dwarfs (Gaps) won
116)Slann 4th vs Brets (grifits) won
117)Oldblood Carn vs DE (sergey) won
118)Slann 2nd vs Brets (grifits) won
119)slann 2nd vs empire(Torin) won
120)slann 2nd vs HE (Aenur) won
121) slann 2nd vs Orks (gobbla) won
122)slann 2nd vs brets (sorial) won
123)2500 Oldlod Carn vs Brets (griffits) won
124)2500 Slann 2nd vs Empire (sergey) won
125)2000 Slann 2n vs Chaos (aspirin) won
126) 2000 Slann 2nd vs Dwarfs (angel) lost
127) 2000 Slann 2nd vs HE (Vivan) won
128)2000 Slann 2nd vs VC (Sani) draw
129)2000 Slann 2n vs Empire (Darkman) won
130)2000 Slann 2nd vs Orks (gaps) won
131)2000 Slann 2n vs WE (Bernhard) won
132) 2000 Slann 2nd vs Skaven (Sham) won
133)2500 Slann 2тв gen vs Empire (sergey) won
134 2000 Slann 2nd vs HE Guu won
135 2000 Slann 2nd vs Dwarfs Angel won
136 2000 Slann 2nd vs WE bernhardt lost
137 2000 Slann 2nd vs Skaven Electric won
138 2000 Slann 2nd vs Dwarfs Max lost
139 2000 Oldblood Carn vs VC (griffic) won
140 2000 Oldblood Carn vs gnoblars(Dvor) won
141 2250 Slann 2nd vs dwarfs Borderer draw
142 2250 Slann 2nd vs Dwarfs Shein won
143 2250 Slann 2nd vs Empire Zeppelin draw
144 2250 Slann 2nd vs Goblins Droger won
145 2250 Slann 2nd vs WE Smoke draw
146 2000 Slann 2nd vs DE (Lordik) won
147 2500 Slann 4nd vs VC (fabius) won
148 2250 Oldblood (carn) vs Brets (sergey) won
149 2000 Slann 2nd vs WE (Essari) draw
150 2250 Oldblood Carn vs Orks (Max) won
151)2500 Oldblood Carn vs VC (Fabius) won
152)2250 Slann 2nd vs WE (Teclis) won
153)2250 Slann 4nd vs DE (Sergey) won
154)2250 Slann 4nd vs Skaven (electric) won
155)2250 slann 4nd vs HE (Angel) won
156)2250 slann 4nd vs DE (lordik) lost

4000 2vs2 HE+Empire vs Ogres+Strigoy - massacre
2000 WE vs Empire - draw
2000 Chaos (Bloodfirster) vs Empire - massacre
3000 Bretonnia vs HE+DoW - massacre

2250 vs Bretonia (fabius) - won
2250 vs Empire (fabius) won
2000 vs Dwarfs (gaps) won
2000 vs orks (bolverk) won
2000 vs skaven (murom) won

skaven vs chaos 2000 - draw
skaven vs dwarves 2000 - lost

крысками на 1000
01)skaven vs necrarch 1000 -lost
02)skaven vs chaos 1000 - lost
03)skaven vs chaos 1000 - draw
04)skaven vs chaos 1000 - massacre
05)skaven vs chaos 1000 - massacre
06)skaven vs vampires 1000 - lost
07)skaven vs Chaos 1000 - lost
08)Skaven vs Khemri 1000 - massacre
09)Skaven vs Woodelves 1000- massacre
10)skaven vs Woodelves 1000 massacre
11)Skaven vs Woodelves 1000 lost
12)Skaven vs Chaos 1000 lost
13)skave vs chaos won
14)skaven vs beastmen massacre
15)skaven vs beastmen massacre


Бесы часто возбраняют нам делать легчайшее и полезное, а между тем побуждают предпринять труднейшее. (св Иоанн Лествичник)

Пелопоннесская война

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Бесы часто возбраняют нам делать легчайшее и полезное, а между тем побуждают предпринять труднейшее. (св Иоанн Лествичник)
Entwaffnen / Meisterliches Entwaffnen (Disarm / Master Disarm)

With this maneuver you can knock the weapon from an opponent's hand. This maneuver can either be an attack or a parry. Whatever you choose, you make your roll with a +8 penalty.

If your maneuver was an attack and is successful, the opponent can parry the blow normally. If he fails, he has to make a Strength roll with a penalty of 8 to hold on to his weapon. If he fails, the weapon is knocked from his hands. If your maneuver was a parry, the opponent has to make the Strength roll immediately - he has no way to fend off your maneuver. But, of course, a parry +8 is risky by itself.

Usually you only can disarm one-handed weapons. To disarm two-handed weapons, you need the Sonderfertigkeit Meisterliches Entwaffnen. If you know this SF, the Strength roll of your opponent is at an additional +2 penalty.

Some weapons (quarterstaff, parrying weapons) give you a bonus on Disarm maneuvers. Disarm as an attack maneuver can be combined with the Feint.

Befreiungschlag (Knock Back)

This maneuver is used to knock back one or many enemies at once, giving you a little more room to maneuver. It is especially useful if you're using a long weapon while your opponents don't.

Your maneuver suffers a penalty of +4 for every enemy you want to attack with it. You can attack up to three opponents with a single, powerful half-arc motion. It can also be combined with the Power Blow to inflict additional damage and with the Feint to give your opponents penalties for their parry attempts. You only have to take the voluntary penalty once - if you attack three enemies and announce an additional Power Blow +2, each enemy suffers 2 points of additional damage.

If your attack succeeds, each enemy has to roll a parry. Every enemy who fails his parry suffers the weapon damage, loses 1d6 initiative and is knocked back one distance class from the attacker. If for some reasons the enemies cannot draw back, they suffer an additional 1d6 damage.

This maneuver uses two actions, so an attacker who uses it loses his parry in this round.

Betäubungsschlag (Knock Out)

An advanced version of the Stumpfer Schlag, this maneuver can be used to knock an enemy unconscious. The attack suffers a penalty of 2 (for attacks with quarterstaffs or clubs), 4 (for weapons with a flat part) or 8 (for blade weapons). It can be combined with Power Blow and Feint.

If successful (and the opponent does not parry), the attack does only endurance damage. If the inflicted damage is higher than the wound threshold (usually CO/2), the victim has to succeed in a simple CO roll or fall unconscious for 1d6 game rounds. If the damage surpassed even the CO itself, no CO roll is allowed.

In the old system with the old wound threshold: If the damage surpasses the CO, the victim has to make his roll, if it surpasses even twice the CO, no roll is allowed.

Festnageln (Spike)

This maneuver's pretty nasty and can only be done with certain polearms (such as a hunting spear or every polearm with a knob behind the blade). You thrust your spear into your target with enough force to knock it on the ground and then hold on to the handle, pinning the target to the ground while keeping the spear inside the wound.

To do this, you have to make an attack roll with a +4 penalty. The attacker can voluntarily announce an additional penalty to make the Strength roll of the defender (see below) more difficult.

If the attack hits (and the defender does not parry), the spear is stuck inside the defender's body.

Both combatants now make an Agility roll and compare the results. If the defender has the better roll (e.g. is more points below his Agility rating), he can free himself and just suffers 1d6 additional damage.

If the attacker has the better roll, the spear remains in the wound. Both combatants now make a Strength roll and compare them as above. If the attacker took an additional penalty voluntarily, the defender now suffers twice that penalty for his Strength roll. If the defender wins the roll, the attacker loses his weapon.

If the attacker wins the roll, the defender is thrown to the ground and pinned down. He now suffers the weapon damage each round automatically als long as the attacker keeps holding the weapon. He can try to free himself by making another compared Strength roll (but with an additonal +2 penalty) as described above.

While pinning down his victim, the attacker can do nothing else but holding onto the weapon.

This maneuver uses two actions, so an attacker who uses it loses his parry in this round.

Gezielter Stich (Aimed Thrust)

This maneuver, a favorite of every fencer is only possible with weapons that rely on sharp points and stabbing instead of slashing, e.g. foils, rapiers, daggers or spears.

With this maneuver, the attacker tries to find an opening in the defender's armour and stabs at an especially vulnerable place.

The attacker makes an attack roll with a +4 penalty. If the defender is wearing armour, half of the armour rating (rounded up) counts as an additional penalty. If he's also carrying a shield, the parry bonus of the shield is yet another additional penalty.

For example, an Aimed Thrust against an opponent with leather armour (armour rating 3) suffers a +6 penalty (+4 for the maneuver itself, +2 for the armour rating).

If successfull (and if the defender does not parry), the thrust bypasses the armour of the defender (so the damage is not reduced by the armour rating). It also automatically inflicts one wound and lowers the wound threshold of the target for the purposes of inflicting additional wounds by 2.

The Aimed Thrust can be combined with the Feint.

Hammerschlag (Hammer Blow)

Only possible with heavy, brutal weapons. This is a very powerful blow that, when successful, inflicts massive damage.

The attacker makes his attack with a +8 penalty. If he hits and the target does not parry, the damage is tripled (so a sword with 1d6+4 does 3d6+12 damage).

This maneuver uses two actions, so an attacker who uses it loses his parry in this round. It can be combined with the Feint.

Klingensturm (Blade Storm)

With this maneuver, you split your attack to attack two opponents in the same round. To do this, the attacker splits his attack rating in half and adds two points to each separate attack. So, an attacker with an attack rating of 15 who uses Blade Storm can attack twice with an attack rating of 10 (15/2 = 8, +2 from the maneuver).

The attacker cannot attack only one opponent with both attacks, he has to attack two separate combatants.

Niederwerfen (Downthrow)

An attack with enough force to knock an opponent off his feet. The attacker makes his attack with a +4 penalty. He can also voluntarily take on additional penalty points to make the Strength roll of his opponent (see below) more difficult.

If the attack hits, the opponent suffers the normal weapon damage and has to make a Strength roll. If the attacker took a voluntary penalty for his attack roll, this penalty now applies to the defender's Strength roll.

If he succeeds, he stays on his feet, but loses 1d6 initiative.

If he fails, he falls to the ground and loses 2d6 initiative.

If the damage inflicted by the attack surpasses the defender's Strength rating, his Strength roll suffers a penalty to the amount of the points the damage surpassed it.

This attack can be combined with a Charging Assault.

Schildspalter (Shield Cleaver)

Mostly useless. The attacker strikes at an opponent's shield, hoping to shatter it. He makes an attack with a +8 penalty, but a bonus to the amount of the parry bonus the shield grants its bearer. So, a Shield Cleaver attack against an opponent with a simple wooden shield (WM -1/+3) would suffer a +5 penalty (+8 for the maneuver, -3 for the parry bonus): The larger the shield, the easier it is to hit. The attacker can also voluntarily take on an additional penalty to make the breaking of the shield more likely.

If the attack succeeds (and the defender does not parry), no damage is inflicted, but the blow strikes the shield with full force. The shield bearer now rolls 2d6 and subtracts 4 plus the voluntary penalty the attacker took. If the result is equal to or lower than the Bruchfaktor (breaking factor) of the shield, the shield shatters.

Stumpfer Schlag (Blunt Blow)

A simple maneuver where you don't deal lethal damage, instead reducing your opponent's Endurance. Good if you want to keep your opponent alive. The attack suffers a penalty of 2 (for attacks with quarterstaffs or clubs), 4 (for weapons with a flat part) or 8 (for blade weapons).

If successful, the attack deals only endurance damage.

Sturmangriff (Charging Assault)

One of my favorites. At the beginning of combat, the fighter rushes towards his opponent, attacking him with the force of his sprint. The attack suffers a +4 penalty.

If it hits (and the defender doesn't parry, of course) the damage is increased by 4 + half of the attacker's Speed rating. So, a normal character with a Speed of 8 would deal an additional +8 points of damage (+4 for the maneuver, +4 for half the Speed rating). The attacker needs to run at least 4 meters for this to have an effect.

This maneuver uses two actions, so an attacker who uses it loses his parry in this round. If the attack fails, the defender gets an attack of opportunity.

(This maneuver actually isn't very good, but it's simply to cool to not do it Wink)

Todesstoss (Coup de Grâce)

This is a deadlier version of the Aimed Thrust. The attacker thrusts his weapon deep into an enemy's most vulnerable body part.

The attacker makes an attack roll with a +8 penalty. If the defender is wearing armour, half of the armour rating (rounded up) counts as an additional penalty. If he's also carrying a shield, the parry bonus of the shield is yet another additional penalty.

For example, an Coup de Grâce against an opponent with leather armour (armour rating 3) suffers a +10 penalty (+8 for the maneuver itself, +2 for the armour rating).

If successful (and if the defender does not parry), the thrust bypasses the armour of the defender (so the damage is not reduced by the armour rating). It also automatically inflicts two wounds and lowers the wound threshold of the target for the purposes of inflicting additional wounds by 2.

The Coup de Grâce can be combined with the Feint and also with the Power Blow, even if the weapon usually doesn't allow it.

This maneuver uses two actions, so an attacker who uses it loses his parry in this round. If the attack fails, the defender gets an attack of opportunity.

Tod von Links (Death from the Left)

If you are using a parrying weapon in your left hand (such as a main gauche, or "Linkhand" in german) and fulfill certain requirements (you need Two-Weapon Fighting I and Parrying Weapons II), it is possible to make an additional attack each round with your parrying weapon.

The attack is made with the skill used for the parrying weapon (Daggers for the main gauche, for example). Modifiers for the weapon itself, the use of the wrong hand or the wrong distance class apply. The weapon used determines the damage - e.g., a Death from the Left maneuver with a main gauche deals 1d6+2 points of damage.

Umreissen (Knock Over)

This is fun! It's comparable to Downthrow, but not as brutal. With this maneuver, you use a long weapon (usually polearms, but whips or under certain circumstances two-handed swords will work, too) to knock your enemy off-balance without inflicting actual damage.

To pull this off, you make your attack with a +8 penalty (you can combine it with Feint). If you hit, the attack is hard to defend against. The defender has only three options:

- A called Dodge
- A weapon parry with a penalty of +8 (+ potential additional penalty from a Feint, not possible against whip attacks)
- A parry made with Brawl or Wrestling, using the unarmed maneuver Beinarbeit (Footwork)

If the attack is successful, the damage is determined, but instead of reducing your opponent's hit points, the opponent has to make an Agility roll with a penalty to the amount of the damage determined. If he fails the roll, he is thrown to the ground and loses 2d6 initiative.


Generally: Binden has two separate prerequisites, of which you need only one. The first is Meisterparade; the second is Parierwaffen I.

Option 1: You have Meisterparade and bind with your main weapon.
- You have a parry with a basic +4 penalty. Additionally, you can take a voluntary penalty. Only that voluntary penalty is counted as bonus for you / malus for the opponent.
E.g. you choose to take an additional penalty of 2. Now you have a parry action +6; if it succeeds, your next attack gets a bonus of 2, and your opponent's parry gets a penalty of 2.

Option 2: You have Parierwaffen I and bind with your parrying weapon.
- You have the same basic +4 penalty. This is counted as your bonus and your opponent's malus; no additional voluntary penalties are possible.
So for a parry action +4, you get a +4 bonus on your next attack _and_ your opponent gets a penalty of +4 on his defence.

- Option 3: You do both at the same time.
This allows you to combine both effects: The basic +4 penalty is counted as bonus / malus, _and_ you may choose to take an additional penalty.
So in the example from above, with an voluntary penalty of +2: You parry with +6, and all 6 points are counted as bonus towards your attack and as malus on the opponent's parry.

So basically, the Binden is most effective with a parrying weapon. With only one weapon, it's imho not that great.
Gegenhalten (Counter Blow)

Now we come to one of the most powerful maneuvers in the TDE system. Counter Blow is a maneuver where you don't even try to deflect your opponent's attack. Instead, you throw yourself in the path of his weapon while attacking simultaneously, accepting the damage while hoping to rob the attack of some of its power and simultaneously inflicting damage of your own.

Counter Blow is a defensive action, so it can only be done when you're attacked by an opponent. Instead of parrying the blow, you roll an attack yourself, with a penalty of +4.

If only one attack succeeds, damage is determined normally.

If both attack succeeds, however, the attacks have to be compared. The fighter with the higher difference between his roll and his attack rating (which means, the one who rolled the most below his attack rating) is the winner (the +4 penalty from the maneuver has to be counted in). The fighter with the higher initiative can add the difference between the two initiative ratings to his result.

The winner of the comparison does normal damage. The loser does only half damage, without any added damage from high strength or voluntary penalties like the Power Blow. Maneuvers count, however, so a counter-blowed Aimed Thrust may only do half damage, but still inflicts an automatic wound.

That's very, very powerful. If you are proficient in this maneuver, have good initiative and wear some armour, you can fully concentrate on your attack rating and counter your opponent's every attack with this maneuver. If you wield a longer weapon than your enemy (if you have the higher distance class), you can even counter an attempt to close in with this maneuver, thus beating him back before he can reach you. Or, if you wield a longer weapon, you can try and impale a charging opponent before he can hit you.

This is also a very good maneuver against parry-heavy fighters, since those usually have crappy attack ratings.

If used correctly, you almost always win the comparison, thus inflicting normal damage while only receiving half, at the most. In combination with a long weapon with lots of damage (e.g. a two-handed sword), this maneuver really, really rocks. This maneuver is the main reason why parry isn't overpowered in TDE - a good fighter who relies heavy on attack and this maneuver is very hard to beat.


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